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Foreign high-end talents (Class A): scientists, science and technology leading talents, international entrepreneurs, special talents, etc. who meet the requirements of "high, elite and acute shortage" and market demand-oriented and China's economic and social development, and meet one of the following conditions.

It mainly includes: ① those selected in the domestic talent introduction plan; ② Conforming to internationally recognized professional achievement recognition standards; ③ Foreign talents who meet the needs of market-oriented encouraged posts; ④ Innovative and entrepreneurial talents; ⑤ Excellent young talents; ⑥ Those who score more than 85 points. Foreign high-end talents are not limited by age and work experience.




Foreign professional talents (Class B): those who meet the requirements of the directory and job requirements for foreigners to work in China and are urgently needed for the development of China's economic and social undertakings, and meet one of the following conditions.

It mainly includes: ① foreign professionals with bachelor's degree or above, 2 years or more of relevant work experience, and no more than 60 years old. ② Holding international general vocational skill qualification certificate or urgently needed skilled talents. ③ Foreign language teaching personnel. ④ Foreign talents whose average wage income is not less than 4 times the average social wage income of the region in the previous year. ⑤ Specialized personnel and project implementation personnel who meet the requirements of relevant national departments. ⑥ Professionals who score more than 60 points.




Other foreign personnel (Category C): other foreign personnel who meet the needs of the domestic labor market and meet the national policies and regulations.

It mainly includes: ① foreign personnel who meet the current regulations on the work of foreigners in China; ② Foreign personnel engaged in temporary and short-term work (no more than 90 days); ③ The personnel who implement the quota system management include foreign youth who come to China for internship according to the intergovernmental agreement, foreign students who meet the prescribed conditions, foreign graduates from overseas universities, foreigners who work in special fields such as ocean fishing, etc.

如还想了解更多,或是需要办理相关业务,可以联系CNVISA。 CNVISA是一家专注于外国人在华投资、公司注册、身份规划的专业服务机构。CNVISA有一支国际化的专业团队,专注于为有意向来华发展的外籍人士提供中国签证、工作许可、中国永居等身份服务。CNVISA汇集了丰富的行业经验,以及专业的技术服务。CNVISA专业解决客户外国投资移民需求,包括:外国企业来华投资、中短期签证服务、中国移民咨询、外商公司注册、外商财税规划等。CNVISA的服务团队拥有多年的中国投资与移民咨询经验,并且积累了上千组家庭的成功服务经验。CNVISA的服务团队不仅可以为客户提供全面的中国投资与移民咨询服务,而且能够提供具有针对性的、私人定制化的服务,以满足客户的各种需求。CNVISA力求为客户提供最完善的服务,通过一站式服务,为客户提供在华投资咨询、外商公司注册、中国长期身份等规划服务,让客户更加方便快捷地完成他们在华投资与移居需求。