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附录5 体检承诺书模板

附录5 体检承诺书模板





Health Commitment

本人_____(国籍:______ 护照号码:_______)  郑重承诺:健康状况良好,未携带任何慢性病及传染性疾病并且没有任何精神性疾病。到达中国后我将提供中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫部门出具的体检证明。若抵达中国后的体检结果不符合政府部门的要求,我将自行承担一切后果。

I______ (Nationality:_______Passport  No:_________  ) solemnly promise that I am in good health, notcarrying any chronic diseases and infectious diseases and no mental illness. I will provide the health check from the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Department of The People's republic of China after entering China. Upon arrival in China, I will provide the health check from the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Department of The People's republic of China. If the result of my medical examination after arriving in China does not meet the requirements of the government department, I will bear all the consequences by myself.

申请人(签名): 申请单位(盖章):

Applicant (Signature): Application Unit(Stamp):

日期: 年 月 日
